Announcement of action game Minamo Sink announcement, free distribution on September 1 at Steam. Make sure that the girls flowing into the waterfall do not meet terrible eyes
On August 27, Mr. Daisu, a domestic game developer, announced Minamo Rush . The compatible platform is PC (Steam) and will be distributed as a free game on September 1st. The Steam store page has been released. In addition, there is no paid content in this work. Minamo Sink is an action game that aims for long-term survival by avoiding enemy attacks so that cute girls do not have terrible eyes. The main character of this work is an ordinary girl who longs for adults. She says she is loved by water, so she is flooding on a daily basis. In this work, everyone was washed away by a waterfall from some reason. She collects items while climbing the waterfall and aims for her long survivors. The waterfall where everyone is flowing is a ferocious creature such as octopus, fish, frogs and shrimp fries. The players operate the water to swim the waterfall, avoid the attack of the primeves living in the waterfall. She aims to survive as long as possible. In addition, everyone can level up by ...