Deathloop was published on September 14, 2021 and the title received extremely good reviews from the international press. We also had fun with the time-strapping shooter in our test, but expressed a little criticism.
Despite the average very good scores, the whole thing looks a little different on Steam. Here is Deathloop (Buy Now 56.99 € / 50.99 €) Currently just under 3,000 ratings, of which 64 percent are positive, which gives the title a mixed review. Most negative evaluations give the reason the pretty bad performance of the title on the PC. Many players experience constant ruckler, which is probably due to Denuvo DRM.
Also on Reddit, users complain about poor performance and, of course, there are already some memes on the subject. For example, the user Never-asked-for-this creates a contribution in which he pushes the performance bereafter on the very good-looking Hamburg. Somewhere, the whole computing power must flow away.
A Bethesda spokesman responded to this post and promised a patch to improve the performance of the game:
Hey, I m one of the Deathloop Community Manager, and although these burgers look great, we are familiar with respect to performance reports that some PC users have problems with rucklers in Deathloop. We are currently examining the problem will provide you as soon as possible with more accurate information.
At least it would not be the first time that Denuvo ensures performance problems. For example, in July of this year, the DRM measures of Resident Evil Village were removed from dedicated video game pirates, which ran a lot of liquid. Capcom has now also published a patch to fix the performance problems.
Arcane studios are also known with bumpy PC launches. So Dishonored 2 showed the same problems for publication, as currently Deathloop. However, the problems of the title performance were fixed quite quickly, which is why it probably also for Deathloop hope.
From Daniel Link
15.09.2021 at 18:38
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